Fitness Hacks – Free Fitness


Good morning Peaches!

Thursday has become fit front update posts. Check out my current approach to fitness  here and here. (Spoiler alert: it’s super relaxed.)

I was almost certain that I would not keep up with these posts because of the fact that diet and exercise no longer take up a large space in my mind. But I do have a wealth of fitness information stored up from my many years of fitness obsession and I have decided to pass it along to you. This will be an extremely honest series of blog posts on how you, my friend, can live a healthy life right now without spending any extra money. You can lose weight right now without joining a gym, without buying any special products, and without even buying a book on the matter if you don’t want to. I do recommend at least buying a book. I mean, come on, they aren’t expensive and you get to keep it forever.

I am going to start with some things for you to remember and then give you free resources to go to get you started.

*Note- I am not selling anything. I am not directing you to places where you will be sold something.  I am just a former fitness instructor with info to share. This is a ministry. 

Free Fitness – Get Honest

Step #1 – Step Away From the Media

The first step is to step back, look away from the media telling you that you need to go low carb, go vegan, go gluten-free, do this diet do that diet, make sure you workout this much and this way and get your heart rate so high before you will be able to make any progress. The fitness industry is just that, an industry. It needs to tell you that you need to follow these programs, and drink protein powders, and buy books on specific diets to get healthy, lose weight, and change your life. This is not true. This is sales.

While gyms, network marketing, and products can be great and provide you with motivation to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. You definitely don’t need to purchase anything to be fit. If you have feet (or not!) you are equipped. If you eat food, you are all set.

Step #2 – Be Honest With Yourself About How You Lost Your Health

I say it this way because you can be thin and still be unhealthy. Maybe you aren’t overweight but your cholesterol is high or you have high blood pressure. Maybe you do have a good amount of weight to lose. You must be honest with yourself about how you got to where you are so that you don’t fall for the gimmicks telling you that your lack of health came from not using a product or doing a certain diet.

I will use me as an example because I know that I am one of many.

I was overweight because I overate on numerous occasions for an extended period of time. 

That’s it. My weight gain did not come from eating carbs or eating a bite of my kid’s food or saying yes to pizza night or going out to coffee with friends. My weight gain came from overeating alone on numerous occasions for an extended period of time. Remember that for yourself.

Step #3 – Understand The Impact of Stress On Your Body

This one is huge and will be a whole blog post in itself. But for now, you must accept the fact that in this world of insta-perfect, you are not. You need sleep. You need rest. There are consequences to burning the candle on both ends.

My counselor, Sarah Beth, says you must put on your shoes to run the race. Sleep and rest are your shoes for the race. Without them, you are going to have a much harder time and likely give up.

Put on your shoes.

Step #4- Think Choice By Choice

A friend that was a personal trainer once told me that if you are a couch potato, eating chips in front of the TV seven days a week and never exercising and you begin eating healthy and working out for 4 of those days, you are going to lose weight and be better than you were. He was right!

Let go of the future and think of the meal or activity right in front you. You can do that right now. What are you about to do? Go out to lunch? Choose something grilled instead of fried. Get a fruit cup instead of chips or fries. Get water instead of soda. Are you heading back to work? Take the stairs, park far away from the building and walk in. Heck, do one minute of squats in the bathroom!

Don’t worry about if you are eating or doing the right thing. Spoiler alert: It’s right. You are choice by choice practicing making good decisions. Remember the couch potato. You are already doing great!

Step #5 – Google….You May Have Heard of It.


Once you make sure you are not looking anywhere but right in front of you, Google! We are so blessed to live in the information age. You have a wealth of free information at your fingertips! The key is to not get caught up in gimmicks and extremes. There are gimmicks around every corner saying they are anything but and unfortunately we live in a society of extremes. We don’t just jog, we run marathons. We don’t just weight train, we bodybuild. We don’t just eat healthily, we become our diet! BEWARE.

Here are some websites that I have found helpful.

Healthy eating:

Free workouts:

Fitness Blender
BodyRock TV

Healthy recipes:

Pinterst  (I know. Haha. But seriously, we get forget how simple it is sometimes.)

My Favorite Healthy Living Blogs:

Dashing Dish 

Peanut Butter Fingers

Step #6- Steer Clear of Extremes

Actually, first read this article. These people all lived to be well over one hundred years old and not one of them is a hardcore healthy eater or extreme exerciser. One guy even says it important to NOT eat too healthy! Haha! But I would agree.

It is good to grasp the one and not let go of the other. Whoever fears God will avoid all extremes.  Ecclesiastes 7:18

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?  Matthew 6:25

Eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience, 1 Corinthians 10:25

Remember the goal of fitness is to enhance your life, not to burn you out.

Step #7- Eat Exactly What You Want

When living choice by choice, you are going to have times that you want to eat something not even close to remotely healthy. Do not feel bad. Do not feel guilty. EAT IT. Do not eat a bunch of healthy things first trying to get rid of the craving. You will likely only eat all the calories of the healthy food PLUS the donuts that you will surely still have. This is very important. If you are craving a Krispy Kreme donut, tell your family, go get some and joyfully eat them with everyone. Do not get Dunkin Donuts. Get Krispy Kreme. Satisfy the craving, be thankful for it. There is no reason at all to feel guilty (Matthew 6:25). A few donuts is a blessing. But friends, be honest with yourselves here. If you don’t satisfy the craving with a few donuts you will eventually satisfy it….with a dozen….or two.

Do you see how it works out? Even if you have one dessert every day you are still not overeating all the time which was what got you to an unhealthy place to begin with.

Step #8 – Just MOVE

Exercise really is as simple as that. Don’t think you have to get in a formal workout every day. JUST MOVE. Swim with your kids. Clean the house. Walk around the block. Squat and jog while watching your favorite show. Lift heavy things in your house. Stretch your body. Remember, look away from the media. Look away from the person next to you. Just move.

Those are my first few tips! I hope you found at least a few of them helpful. Stay tuned for more tips next Thursday!

Blessing to you all!






Do Not Worry! 5 Truths to Peace With Food and Your Body.

Good morning!

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Matthew 6:25

When I was still in bondage, I used to read this verse and think to myself, “Much easier said than done!”

But it isn’t. Jesus is the one who made this statement. He is the one who said not to worry about what you eat or drink or about your body. So that should be the end of discussion right?

But that was thousands of years ago. Food is different now. Our food is genetically modified. We are surrounded by sugar. We have fast food restaurants on every corner. We have to worry now!


If you believe in Christ, you know that He is God. That day that He spoke these words He knew that He would soon die on the cross for all of our sins. He knew that in forty years the temple would be destroyed and the new dwelling of God would be in all of the hearts of those who love Him. He knew every single event that would occur in the two thousand years after His resurrection and He knew every single person who would walk the earth. He knew you and He knew me. If he knew all of this, don’t think He knew what the food situation would be for Americans in 2018? Of course, he did!

So why didn’t Jesus say, “Do not worry about your life, what you eat or drink: or about your body right now. That is for the future generations to worry about.”?

He didn’t say that because we are NOT to worry about these things! At all! NO WORRYING.

So how do we do this? We have to know the truth in a world saturated in lies. Here are five steps.

#1 You Do Not Have Worry About What You Eat Or What You Drink Or About Your Body.

I am starting with this again because we do not believe it but we must believe it. The reason that this statement is really hard for us to believe is that we are constantly being bombarded by media telling us to worry about our food and our body. When we are told something by someone on a platform, we believe it to the point that we feel it. For years, I believed that there were “good foods” and “bad foods”. As long as I ate the “good foods” I actually felt really good. But when I ate the “bad foods” I felt terrible! I would literally feel fatter after I ate them! But I wasn’t fatter. I thought I was. I felt that I was. I believed that I was. But I wasn’t. It isn’t even possible for you to gain weight immediately after eating something. It was all in my head.

This is the same thing as when I was going through terrible postpartum anxiety. I would watch the news, see all the terrible things going on in the world, and then end up afraid to leave my house! But guess what happened when I would finally go to the grocery store? Nothing.

Test this, try a bite of something “bad”. What did it do? It didn’t do anything bad to you but you may feel guilt or anxiety.

Our feelings affecting out believes brings me to my second thought…

#2 Feelings Lie All The Time

Feelings feelings feelings!!!

We live in such a feelings driven society it is ridiculous. We have all got to wake up and stop it. Really. Feelings are not facts. Do not be quick to believe them. Just because you have a feeling about something does mean that is what you need to follow. I followed my feelings for years and look where they got me.

It was when I looked like this, that I got more praise than ever from the world. I was obsessed with myself, binging and purging daily, and did not feel peace or contentment one time during this period. 

I felt fat when I ate too much so I threw up my food every day.

I felt good when I felt thin so I smoked cigarettes instead of eating.

I felt like my home environment and school life was too out of control to recover, so I dropped out, moved out and ended up in MANY bad places. Maybe I will tell you about them one day…when my parents are dead. Hopefully a LONG time from now.

I felt good when I received attention from men so I dressed provocatively and exhibited a flirtatious personality. Once again…more on this when my parents are not reading. Haha!

I felt good when I received praise for being in shape and beautiful so I made sure to keep those things at ALL costs.

So reading these, it is blatantly obvious that they are completely ridiculous thought processes. But friends, I am sharing these thoughts that I have had with you because I know that there are many of you out there still thinking these things or believing other lies similar.

They are lies. And our pride is feeding them.

Friend, pray to God to open your eyes. To expose these lies in your heart and show you the truth!

To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8: 31-32

Once you are truly free, you will NEVER want to go back to bondage.

Gal 51

#3 Realize What True Freedom Is.

In my bondage, I had all these food rules and exercise rules, rules rules RULES! I was actually afraid of food! I had even come to a point where I wasn’t binging and purging anymore so because life was better than it was, I thought that was freedom! It wasn’t.

When our brains sense that we are depriving ourselves, it goes into what I call “give me” mode. It’s just holding out for that day that you can forget the rules for a while and eat whatever you want without measuring without worrying and just enjoy. But if you are still in bondage, this is never enjoyable because your brain has been waiting for you to let your guard down is saying “Eat everything! We don’t know when we will do this again!”  So the all-encompassing binge urge sends you heading repeatedly to the pantry, stopping at multiple drive-thrus, and literally pushing food into your mouth even though you are FAR from hungry.

What to do: You must drop ALL food rules. You must drop ALL fear of food. You must NOT worry!

This sounds silly, right? To worry about food and our bodies. But we do it all the time? When is the last time that you had a dessert or “bad food” and didn’t feel the least bit of guilt?

Try this, choose something you really enjoy. Ice cream, cookie, brownie, pizza, whatever. Get it, sit with it. Forget everything that you have heard about sugar killing us, gluten tearing apart our insides, healthy treats, everything. Forget it all. And just eat it in the same amount that you would a “good food” and see what happens. You may feel guilty but remember that is just a feeling. There is nothing to feel guilty about and I bet nothing will bad will happen to you either. Enjoy!

#4 Know the Hard Truth That It Is Only Your Pride that Is Fueling These Actions.

Friends, I am telling you this out of love and experience so please receive this with love.

We are not killing ourselves in the gym and in the kitchen for the Lord, or for our husbands, or our children, or anyone or anything else that we are telling ourselves we are.

We are killing ourselves for US.

We are striving for unattainable bodies, we are making our diets and exercise our identities, we are pushing ourselves to the limit in all the wrong things! We don’t just strive to be healthy and able, we strive to be ripped and shredded and aesthetically pleasing.

All for our own glory.

This may not seem true but it is. Look at the truth and see the lies we tell ourselves.

Does the Lord want me to be not just healthy and able but skinny, ripped, and aesthetically pleasing to the world?

No. He says this…

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Matthew 6:25

Does my husband need me to be skinny or super fit?

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,
Ephesians 5: 25-26


Do we need to be in spectacular shape for our kids? We need to be a good example for them right?

People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them. Mark 10:13-16

No again!

Is not life more than food and the body more than clothes? We must open our eyes!

 #5 Live In Peace.

Easy right? Haha. But I’m telling you, once you are free from your bondage and have tasted true peace and joy you will NEVER want to return to your former way of life.

So what do you do?

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Mark 7:7

Ask God to save you from your sin. Pray that He opens your eyes to the truth and release you from bondage. Drop your pride and live in the peaceful pasture of the Lord.

He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Psalm 23:2-3 

This may take some time. But while you wait, continue to seek the Lord and I promise you will be different. Know that there is a reason it is taking a while.

Hebrew 1211


Hear me, the Lord DOES want us to be healthy and able to do the good works that He has created for us to do. But many of us treat our bodies as OUR temple, not the temple of the Holy Spirit. Be honest with yourself and ask God to change your heart and mind.

Friends, this is where peace is found.




It Fit! Wedding Weekend Recap

Hi Peaches!

Well, the wedding is behind us and here is the recap below. My dress fit! Thank the Lord. Ugh, it was a fun and absolutely lovely wedding weekend but one thing is for sure….

No. More. Deadlines.

Wendy and I. Two of five bridesmaids.
The kids goofing off on our last day in Myrtle Beach.

Dog Drama, Anxiety City, Still Pluggin Along. How Are You All Doing?

Well happy Saturday night ladies!

Dog Drama

I am so sorry I haven’t been able to post this week! I told you I would fill you in on the dog drama that happened this week. Ugh.

So we have been wanting to get a second dog for a while. We are definitely dog lovers and we most of all wanted a pal for Cody.


Cody is our 135 lb Labrador/St. Bernard mix whom we dearly love. He has been an indoor dog for all of his 5 years but we have pergo floors which I didn’t realize are bad for dogs hips! So we installed a fence in our back yard so that he isn’t always on these floors. He isn’t used to being outside that often so that’s why we thought he might like a pal. Jason and I thought it would be good to adopt a dog from the shelter this time instead of getting a puppy. So I loaded up the kids and went went and checked out the pups at the local shelter. We found one that just had the sweetest face.


They let the dog come outside with the kids and I and all went well! I wasn’t at all concerned about how Cody would act toward the new dog because he is the absolute friendliest dog there is. I still wanted them to meet before we made our final decision so the next day I brought Cody up to see how they acted together. Perfectly fine! So we payed to have her spayed and get her shots and picked her up last Monday. We were so excited to have a new dog! Ryan named her Katie.


The first night went fine. She was still groggy from the surgery so she pretty much just laid around and wanted to be petted every now and then. The second day all seemed to be going well. She was great with the kids and was super sweet and cuddly with me. She didn’t seem to interested in Cody but I knew they probably needed to warm up to each other. But as the day went on she started snapping at Cody. The first time he was just sniffing her face. Then when they were eating she wouldn’t let him eat his food. Then he was just laying on the ground and she walked over and snapped at him for seemingly no reason! Then there came a point where she kept coming at him and snapping and growling at him over and over. She wouldn’t let up. Cody is friendly and didn’t really know how to react to her. But it broke my heart to see her biting at his ears and face like she was and I definitely didn’t want to find out what would happened if the kids got in the way of her letting Cody know that she was taking over the place.

I put her outside in the fence and was going to keep her out there for the rest of the night. But at 10:30pm there she was at my backdoor! She had dug out of the fence! I was so scared. And of course everything happens when Jason is out of town. I brought her back in, called animal control and they took her back to the shelter. 😦

Ugh, I probably gave in too soon and should have stuck it out a little longer but I can’t have the kids around dog fights like that.

So that’s what happened.

So Anxious!!!

So I am so anxious you guys! As you know, I have had a really hard time with postpartum anxiety this past year. A few weeks back, Ryan had a health scare and I absolutely broke down in the pediatricians office. Thank the Lord everything turned out ok with Ryan but his doctor told me that I really needed to get help with my postpartum anxiety lol.

“Really? I had no idea.” Haha!

Just kidding. She was extremely kind to reach out to me. She suggested I try supplementing with two amino acids since I still don’t want to try medication. The supplements were L-Tyrosine and 5-5TP.


When I first started taking these, I felt amazing! I couldn’t believe they were working so well so fast! But what I didn’t realize was that L-tyrosine makes you jittery. I’m not sure why this is but I didn’t know and continued to drink the same amount of coffee that I always do. Since my anxiety is at it’s worst around my ovulation time, I decided to take the L-tyrosine two times a day around this time. The back of the bottle said to take it 1-3 times a day so I thought nothing of it. After the first few days, I noticed I was having a hard time falling asleep. A few days after that, I was watching Beauty and the Beast with the kids and had THE WORST anxiety attack of my life! Once again, everything happens when Jason is out of town!

So I stopped the amino acids and switched to decaf but now I feel like I am just stuck in anxiety mode. 😦

Speaking of this kind of thing, since I am no longer on Facebook and my reader base has now dropped to maybe seven, can we talk about PMS a minute? Does anyone else feel like they are dying during it? I do. It’s been this way for a long time now. I don’t get moody, I feel like I am dying. The fatigue is unreal! It’s the kind of fatigue you feel when you have the flu. Like life is just to much effort. 😦


It’s ok if it’s just me but I have been wondering this forever.

The Zipping

Still the same weight. I have been staying on track with my food but I can’t get mad because I waited until two weeks before the wedding to put forth any real discipline. Plus I swear my stress is making everything worse. So this should be interesting. My plan is just to continue on doing what I am doing so that I can squeeze in the best I can and then bring a dress to change into after the wedding. Rhonda called on Monday and her dress doesn’t fit either, and she’s the bride! Am I terrible for being thankful? Haha, at least I’m not alone!

So as usual my food is  weird and the same day in and day out. Although the other day (the one I told you about that I felt like death), I melted some cheese in a bowl and ate it. Haha! Is there a better cheat?!

But here is how things usually have been…

Breakfast: oatmeal with Vega essentials and almond milk
Lunch: Tofu, oatmeal with 1/2c applesauce, 1/4c dry roasted peanuts
Dinner: Same as lunch (I know! So weird! Why am I such a weird eater?!)
Multi-green kombucha (this has totally grown on me!)

Oh! I did try new flavors! The Passionberry is amazing but I did not like the Cayennade at all. Unless you like really spicy things, approach with caution. My mouth was on fire for an hour.

I haven’t been doing any formal exercising. Anna is now at the age where doing a video is impossible if she is not asleep and now that she is down to one nap that time is in the afternoon. And the thing with afternoons is, I don’t workout during them. So I have to figure something else out in this area. As of now I just do random squats and lunges around the house while cleaning.

I hope you are all doing well! I still have to read your comment Mary but I skimmed over it and it looked like you were having fun as usual. 🙂 Are you back from vacation Anne? How’s it going Christine?

No matter how this challenge turns out, I know exactly what I will be blogging about after this wedding………anxiety management. I have been reading up on how to manage it without medication. I will blog about it soon! Until then, any suggestions?


Have you ever had a pet that hasn’t worked out?

Do you struggle with anxiety? How do you manage it?

Do you have extreme fatigue during PMS or menopause? 

How have you been doing with your eating and exercise?

Love you ladies!





21 to Zip Day 1 Recap – Sunday Dinner and Acquired Tastes

Hey Yall!

Happy Monday! How was your weekend?

We had our first Sunday dinner yesterday! What a great time. The thought of Sunday dinners popped into my head last week when I realized how bad Jason and I are at letting weeks and even months pass without seeing our family and friends face to face. I figured if we had a constant like Sunday dinner that people could come to every weekend, we are sure to keep in touch!

Yesterday’s attendees were Jason’s mom, my mom, Jason’s brother Andy (who could pass for his twin), our next door neighbors Anne and Larry, and our good friends Kathleen and Daniel. Everyone brought a dish and we just hung out and laughed all afternoon. So fun. An afternoon of blessings for sure.

And to top things off, I stayed on track!


There were definitely a few temptations like squash casserole and mac n cheese. But this is just 21 days! I can have squash casserole after the wedding. I had salad topped with chicken and shrimp with Bolthouse Farms ranch yogurt dressing followed by a cup of black coffee. Probably the biggest bummer was not being able to have a glass of wine with everyone but again, wine will be there after the wedding. Probably right after I would imagine!

Breakfast was overnight oats with chocolate Vega Essentials stirred in.

I had sworn off Vega protein powder after trying the coconut almond Protein and Greens. I also gave the vanilla Protein and Greens a shot too. Yuck. But when Sarah came to visit she assured me that I would feel differently about Vega Essentials. She let me try some of hers in a smoothie and she was right! Completely different! So good. I am definitely hooked. I have already tried all three flavors (mocha, chocolate, and vanilla) and love them all. Surprisingly chocolate is my favorite. (And no I do not work or have any affiliation with Vega).

Did I ever post any pictures of when Sarah was here? Maybe I did but I can’t remember doing it so here they are, maybe again! Those of you with small children will understand how hard it is to get a picture of everyone actually sitting still and smiling….



I am still just sitting here in awe of the fact that she actually came to visit. Such an amazing time! Love you Sarah!

Lunch was another oatmeal. You know me haha. This one was another bowl of overnight oats with applesauce and dry roasted peanuts. I just fix the two bowls at night before I go to bed and walla! Quick and easy breakfast AND lunch!

…..and more coffee.


I had one snack in the afternoon which was seaweed and a mult-green kombucha. I am realizing something about the healthy foods I like. I have acquired a taste for them and this is why it is a rare occasion when someone tries one of my concoctions and actually likes it too. Haha!

I realized this when drinking both the multi-green kombucha and these Daily Greens green juices I have been getting from Costco.

Yuck the first time around, but not so bad on the second!

When I first tried these, I thought they were gross.  As you probably know, a lot of green juices sold in stores are loaded with sugar and are not even worth the “green”. These are not those haha. Daily Greens definitely taste “healthy”. I even wondered how I was going to finish the rest of them because you all know that when you get things from Costco it’s always in a very large quantity. Well I was determined to finish the green juices because the were not cheap and for whatever reason also kept choosing multi-green again and again when getting a kombucha! I think it’s because we have been sick every since Ryan started school and green things just seem right at the moment.

But now I have totally acquired a taste for the green drinks! I actually really enjoy them now! Isn’t that funny? Having acquired a taste for these drinks that I originally thought were gross made me think that I have probably done this with most of my food that I eat on a regular basis now. And thinking back, I remember the first time I tried plain oatmeal and thought “No way, I can’t do this”. And I used to only eat broccoli in Chinese food!

So if you have a hard time finding healthy foods that you enjoy, a lot of people recommend “Just trying it.” Well, I would say “Just try it……again. And maybe again after that!” We don’t seem to mind acquiring tastes for beer and coffee so why not acquire a taste for something really good for you! Not that coffee and beer don’t have their place 😉

That’s a wrap! How was your Day 1? Or is today Day 1? Either way chime in and give an update.

Have a great Monday yall!


Do you have Sunday dinners? 

What is something that you enjoy now that was an acquired taste?

Any favorite fit foods lately?  Please share!



21 to Zip. Day 1!

Good morning!

Well Day 1 started out with us missing church and instead making a trip to the doctor for Anna. She has an ear infection. 😦 Poor baby…

Still smiling though! 

But on a happy note, we are also having our first Sunday dinner at our house today! The idea of Sunday dinners popped into my head earlier this week. Jason and I are BAD about not only being homebodies but also going weeks and weeks without seeing family and friends. I thought Sunday dinner would be a great way to make sure we keep in touch and see each other face to face more often! Not to mention it will ensure that I clean my house enough to be company worthy once a week haha.

BUT even with sick baby and family dinner today I am sticking to the plan!

I had my usual breakfast and lunch today and I have my afternoon snack and salad for tonight planned out. Tomorrow’s post will be the recap.

I am working out in the morning………really.

Here is the overall plan for 21 to Zip:

  • Log all calories into My Fitness Pal (calories set for 2 pounds lost a week).
  • Try my very best to eat mostly vegan (today will not be all vegan).
  • Get 6-7 20 minute workouts in a week.
  • Drink 1 gallon of water daily
  • Check in with you guys daily!

I know I usually state my goals when I do these challenges but for this challenge, I have one solitary goal….

I am starting to hate this dress. It’s not even the dresses fault but still… 

Zip. The Dress.

Ok, there it is. What is your plan for the next 21 days? Day 1 Recap is tomorrow.

Good luck!


What do you want to achieve over the next 21 days?

What is your plan for success?

Are you ready?



A Few Good Reasons To Blog + Anyone Up For A 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge?…….Also, A Spider

Hey Lovelies!

So in case you were wondering, which I am certain you have just been on the edge of your seat wondering if I have gotten my fitness act together since Wednesday, I haven’t. Ugh! I am just in a rut. Not only do I have absolutely no desire to exercise but it almost seems painful at the moment to exercise. Yesterday I even Googled “Do I have to workout in order to lose weight?” Haha!

Of course I know the answer to my Google. No, I don’t. It’s just good for me to exercise. Not only does it make me stronger and healthier but it’s definitely a better use of my time than Googling things like “Do I have to workout in order to lose weight?”

But seriously, I have got to get my act together. This is how my days have gone here lately…

-Get up
-Eat healthy breakfast, log healthy breakfast and weight into My Fitness Pal
-Go back and forth as to if I will ever workout again
-Take Ryan to school, clean, errands, etc.
-Eat healthy lunch, may or may not log into My Fitness Pal
– Snack before getting Ryan, debate eating more snacks before getting Ryan
-Forget about My Fitness Pal
-Plan how I will do better the next day…..

I haven’t been blogging as much lately. There are several reasons for this. Here are a few….

I Got Sick Of Being Online

The good thing about blogging for free is that it doesn’t matter if you blog or not. After I stopped Beachbody coaching, I needed to unplug big time. I’m still not on social media and it’s pure bliss. I don’t know if I will ever go back. If you are on the fence about kicking social media, I say do it! It’s so peaceful out here.

When I Am Really Deep In Thought, I Can’t Think of Anything To Write

Which is weird because my thoughts are certainly blog post worthy. Very blog post worthy actually. But I have liked keeping a light hearted tone on The Keen Peach up until recently so I haven’t been sure how deep I want to get on here or if I even want to veer from fitness which is what this blog was originally about. I am thinking I might be getting deeper on here though.

Postpartum OCD

Update soon!

I Am Not Very Good At Keeping This Blog From Being A Shrine to Angela Teal    

This is the kicker. I love to write. I love to share my thoughts and get feedback. I love the healthy life! But ugh, selfies, selfies, selfies. Progress pics, what I ate, what I think, what I feel, everything me me me! Ugh! I even had to ask myself what is actually fueling my progress. Actual love for fitness, or praise from you readers?! I’ve just been so convicted this year.

So I have been kinda stuck as to how to proceed with my blogging.


In my pondering I have concluded there are in fact some undeniably good reasons to blog. Here they are!

‘Be The Change You Want To See In The World” -Mahatma Gandhi

Maybe you will inspire something good! Or at least find a community of people who think kind of like you do.

There Are Still A Lot Of People Out There Who Have Absolutely No Clue How To Be Healthy

I forget that not everyone knows how to be healthy……..or even cares for that matter. My brother was visiting this weekend and I said something about a carb. He didn’t know what a carb was. He is not alone. I love this! It means there is something I can help with.

This One Is About Me……Blogging Holds Me Accountable

Seriously guys. I fall off the wagon when I don’t blog. I am going to try my very best to not selfie and my progress pics will be fully clothed but I must have accountability and posting my progress on this blog holds me accountable. When I am off the wagon, I am exhausted and I have absolutely no time to be exhausted! PLEASE jump into any fitness challenge done on here. I need you! Let’s help each other.

So here we go yet again Peaches. New challenge tomorrow. I have 21 days until this wedding. Anyone up for a 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge? If you are up for it, let’s do it! 

I feel this post needs a picture but I just said I wouldn’t selfie. So check out this spider that has been hanging outside my back door for days!


Stay tuned for Day 1 tomorrow!

Later Skaters


50 to Zip! Day 5 Recap

Good morning!

50 to Zip! Day 5 recap.

10 pounds down, total solar eclipse, and Sarah!

This video doesn’t exist


2017 Eclipse! + Day 4 Recap

Hey Guys!

Happy 2017 eclipse day! Jason and I just experienced it….

It. Was. WILD!!!!

The sun was only 98% covered in our location but it still became noticable cooler and darker. Our outside lights even came on! So weird! But so cool!

My fitness update has never seemed more boring that at this moment.

50 to Zip! Day 4

Yesterday was a win! I was only 90 calories over my limit given to me by My Fitness Pal and my food was 100% vegan. I do not workout on Saturday or Sunday. When you workout,Qu My Fitness Pal adds in the calories you burn during your workout to your daily goal and you get to eat a little more. It’s hard to stay under the limit on days that I don’t workout BUT  stepped on the scale yesterday and I was 9 pounds down! So I am thinking I’m ok even with going over a bit sometimes.

Day 4 Food

WIA 82017

Yep! Wearing the same shirt from Saturday. Old Navy $8. 


Did you see the solar eclipse today?

How is fit life?

Catcha later skaters!