Lean, Mean, and Squeaky Clean Challenge – April 30, 2017

It’s Sunday and it’s the last day of the month!

I love when the first of the month lands on Monday, DOUBLE new beginnings!

Ok let’s huddle up and get our heads in the game. What is your goal for the week ahead?

Lean, Mean, and Squeaky Clean Challenge!

In the comments section the past few days Sarah, Anne, and I have been discussing going one week sugarless. Let’s do it! I quit sugar back in October and have not looked back once because it feels SO amazing! It really is the sugar (and our society) that makes you think we need the sugar! I remember writing this post  and being so nervous. I didn’t even share it on social media or anything because I didn’t want too many people to see it in case I failed miserably. Quitting isn’t for everyone, but for those of us that it IS for, life is so great without it, the thought of adding it back in is literally nauseating.

Just say NOOOOO to the M&M propeller bunny!

So now that I have made every sugar lover feel terrible, anyone up for a sugarless challenge? Haha!

I will post my food in the comments with all of you later. I wanted to go ahead and get this up so we can all gear up for the week!


Wanna go sugarless for a week? 

No problem of not, what is you goal for the week ahead?

Any exercise today? 

Happy Sunday yall!

Sugarless Update + Cheat Meals + Day 21 MHC

Happy Valentines Day!

Jason had these beautiful sugar free roses delivered to the door this afternoon. 😉


I love him.

I’ve decided to combine a bunch of topics into one post from now on. I want to document my Hammer and Chisel Journey but I don’t want that to be all I blog about for 60 days. I have been meaning to update you all on how my sugarlessness is going. What better day than Valentine’s Day to do so right?

So today I am sharing an update on being sugarless, what I eat for cheat meals, and then Day 21 of The Master’s Hammer and Chisel!

Sugarless Update!


I quit sugar on October 30, 2016 so it’s been three and a half months. I can’t believe it’s only been three and a half months! It seriously feels like I have been sugarless forever. Not in a bad way, it such a good way! I still do not have one ounce of regret for quitting. I no longer experience that weird sugar coma that I used to get when I would eat too much sugar. And it was always too much sugar, that’s the whole reason I quit. I was just sick of being tired and I was tired of making progress on a healthy eating plan only to be completely derailed the minute I took a bite of a cupcake. Plus, the sugar exhausts me. I have so much more energy to devote to my life now. I have a husband and 2 kids that need a wife and mom, I am a Beachbody coach and am having the best time helping people achieve a healthier lifestyle, plus I am the one that does all the housework. I don’t have time to be exhausted nor do I want to be! I enjoy being able to give 100% in my day and if that takes quitting sugar, so be it. It feels so good to be healthy and to approach food with more control.  So all is well in the sugarless world and I am settling in and making myself cozy.

So What About Cheat Meals?

So what about cheat meals? Do I still eat them? Yes, I just don’t have any sugar. It’s funny how once you kick sugar, chicken and eggs become really salty and fruit is like candy. My favorite cheat meal is actually salted nuts and oatmeal unsweetened applesauce and I often have that at home. When I go out to eat, my indulgence is in alcohol haha. Not a lot of it. I didn’t include alcohol in my quitting junky sugar because I don’t have it all the time and when I do I don’t feel the need to drink a ton of it like I did when I would have a donut or a cookie. But it’s not just the alcohol that is the indulgence when I go out to eat. I love not having to cook, being out with my family, and having something I don’t usually have at home like steak or swordfish. This has proven to be a much more enjoyable way to indulge than going out and having this huge fried calorie filled meal with dessert and drinks and everything. When I used to do this I felt terrible the rest of the night and had no energy to do anything else. The only fun I had was in the actually eating of the food. There is so much more fun to be had!

So I do cheat but not with sugar. 🙂

PS- I have said this before and I will say it again. There is nothing wrong with eating sugar in moderation. This blog is me sharing with you the things that are working for me in my fitness journey and sugar has proved to be more trouble than it is worth for me. I am by no means saying that I think everyone should quit sugar for good.

The Master’s Hammer and Chisel Day 21: Chisel ISO Strength

BURN!!! Burn burn burn. I am now getting the hang of things in these workouts and adding more weight. It burns! This was my second time doing this workout. You do 3 sets of each exercise. In each set, you do 10 reps and then hold the movement for 10 seconds. It burned so bad but it was a great workout. It feels so good to work hard!

Here’s what I ate today….



That’s all for today folks!


What did you get/do for Valentines Day?

Have you ever stopped doing something that most people do? What was it and what was our experience?

What did you do for exercise today?


Sugarless Indulgences

Good afternoon!

In case you missed my post where I quit sugar, I have been completely sugarless (the junky kind) since October 30th, 2016. So almost 3 months. It’s crazy that it’s only been 3 months because it feels like I have been living this way my whole life. Life without sugar is not only way easier than I thought but way better than I thought as well! If you have been on the fence about whether to banish the stuff from your life, I say do it. There is no nutritional need for junky sugar and quitting may will open your eyes to so many other little indulgences in life that are not so destructive toward your energy, weight loss goals, and overall wellbeing. Here are some little things that I find indulgent that also happen to be sugar-free!

Starbucks Grande Non-fat Latte


If you can get to where you like black coffee, the latte becomes a creamy and dreamy break from the norm. I am a die-hard coffee lover so of course the latte is at the top of my list!



Ok, make sure you check the label because kombuchas do have sugar! But if you can find one that is sugarless, they make a great soda alternative. They are also good for your gut health so its a win win!
But whatever you do, DO NOT SHAKE THE BOTTLE. There is this stuff at the bottom of kombucha, kind of like the stuff in apple cider vinegar, you will be tempted to shake the bottle…… do not shake the bottle. I repeat, do not shake the bottle!

Unless you want to take a shower in kombucha that it.

Vanilla Shakeology In Greek Yogurt


Shakeology in Greek yogurt is simply joyous. This is my breakfast every single day but it seems indulgent to me. Any flavor will work but I love vanilla. It’s sweetened with stevia but has absolutely NO aftertaste so it makes a wonderful sweet and creamy treat. Most people drink Shakeology as a shake but I like to eat it. 🙂
It also helps me stick to my sugarless commitment by meeting all of my nutritional needs. No deficiencies means no cravings! High five!

Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk Latte 


My dad got me the Starbucks Verismo brewing system for Christmas and I LOVE it. I was a barista for 7 years but this machine makes it so easy to make your favorite coffee drinks. I have been making lattes with unsweetened vanilla almond milk. They are just as awesome as the non-fat latte from Starbucks but have a yummy nutty flavor. Having a latte in the comfort of my own home is definitely indulgent.

Any Greek Yogurt/Fruit/Salty Nut Concoction


Mmmmm, salty sweet. This particular concoction has Greek yogurt, unsweetened applesauce, uncooked oats, and salted nuts.

Lemon Cayenne Kevita

You may be wondering if lemon and cayenne would be a good flavor combo, I assure you it is. This beverage is so refreshing and only has 10 calories in the whole bottle!



Michelob Ultra


Hey, live a little.



Do you have a sugarless indulgence to share? Please do!

Yet Another Update

Good morning Peaches!

I hope it’s still morning by the time I actually get this posted anyway. You have no idea how long I have been trying to get a blog post up! As I type, I hear my littlest squirming so this post too will no doubt be done in shifts. Oh well, #momofnewborn.


I am now returning to this post. I began at 7 am and it is now 10:40 am. See! Anyway, onto the update.

Anna and Ryan


I can’t believe Anna will be 3 months on the 12th! What a joy she has brought our family. I tell you what, I was in pure awe of Ryan when he was born and I am so glad that I got a girl this time because it is a completely different awe. I can’t explain it, this babyhood is so different yet still just as amazing as my first experience. My little grand canyons, I could just sit and stare at them all day.


BUT… my newest grand canyon likes to be held ALL THE TIME. So I can choose to hold her and have peace  or go on doing things that need to be done while listening to screams the whole time. I do about half and half. Well, maybe 60/40. Maybe even 70/30…….

Anyway, hence the lack of blogging.

Still Sugarless! 


As you know, I quit sugar the day before Halloween of all days and have not had any junk in my life since. Let me tell you, I feel better than ever. So I am going to just keep going on doing what I am doing. Sugar free is the way to be! Haha!

Body After Baby

I can’t believe that I haven’t shared my results from The 21 Day Fix Extreme on here yet! They were amazing!I Lost 6 pounds and a whole bunch of inches in my waist, “belly”, hips, and thighs! I mean altogether of course but still! Not bad for 21 days.

I am now doing Insanity Max 30 and its crazy! The workouts are HARD but I’m hanging in there and it feels so good to get them done. I am down a few more pounds and inches too! If you are looking to get your butt kicked daily, Insanity Max 30 is your program! 🙂



I LOVE this time of year. I absolutely love it. Look at these two. So many blessings to be thankful for. Decorating is taking us forever this year but it’s slowly getting done. I think our house is just so much more cozy when it’s decorated for Christmas. I giggle every morning. 🙂

What Else?

It seems like my update is short even though I seem to have no time for anything. Between the new addition, the holidays, and just everyday things to do, I don’t have much room for anything else! Mostly, I am trying to just be present and enjoy these moments because I know they pass so quickly.


How are you all?

How is the holiday season going for you?

Any wins lately on the fitness front?

It’s so nice to finally catch up with you all! Hope to be back sooner than later.

PS- It is now afternoon. Good afternoon to you all 😉

Halloween Success!

Good morning!

And happy November! It was on November 1st, 4 years ago that my life was forever changed. I thank God everyday for letting me be Ryan’s mom.

Happy birthday to sweet, funny Ryan!!!


Words cannot express the love I have for this boy. These past 4 years have been nothing short of pure joy. But time please slow down!

Halloween Success!


As you know, I quit sugar on Saturday. If you are contemplating quitting sugar, I highly recommend doing so two days before the sugariest day of the year. It’s kind of like going for a run and tackling a massive hill 30 seconds into it, it’s the ultimate test of your strength haha!

Last night really wasn’t difficult though. I am so over the binges and set backs and feeling terrible. Whenever I look at candy now all I see are bad feelings! I did not eat any candy last night nor did I wish that I was. So no candy plus good feelings equals Halloween success!

Jason and Ryan on the other hand did eat the candy and had no bad feelings about it whatsoever haha.


Like I said before, someone’s gotta be the pioneer around here.

Have a great start to your month yall!

20 Things That Are More Fun Than Sugar

Good Morning Peaches!

And Happy Halloween!!! Here are my little pumpkin heads.

I mean, I can’t stand the cuteness!!!!

If you missed Saturday’s kinda angry post, you know that instead of diving into my children’s Halloween candy this year, I have quit sugar all together. For now, I am the only one quitting sugar in my household. Someone has to be the pioneer I guess.


I feel exactly the way I did back when I quit smoking (for the record, that was a LONG time ago). I don’t even crave sugar anymore. I only have it when I think I am supposed to, like when I have a cheat meal, or when it is given to me. BUT once I have a little bit, it’s over, I have no control. It’s not one cookie, it’s 15. It’s not a scoop of ice cream, it’s the whole pint. Or maybe it was a half gallon. I mean who remembers these things? 😉 Sugar is the ONLY food that I have absolutely no self control with. I do not deprive myself, I eat a very wholesome diet and do not cut calories. It’s not like my body s binging from deprivation. So I am going ahead and saying “Sugar, it’s not me it’s you. We don’t work well as a couple. I’m leaving you.”

Since quitting, many thoughts have been bouncing around in my mind. What do I say when people ask me why I’m not eating it? What do I do at holidays? At birthday parties? On date nights? What about my beloved cheat meals?

To the first question, I have just decided to be honest and say that I can’t handle sugar so I do not eat it. To answer what I will do on holidays/birthdays/date nights/cheat meals, I have made a list of 20 things that are as much fun or even more fun than eating junk! Here it is!

20 Things That Are More Fun Than Sugar

  1. Watching a moving
  2. Fitting into things
  3. Having a cup of coffee with a friend
  4. Not feeling sick
  5. Trying a sugarless meal at a new restaurant
  6. Not getting cavities
  7. Playing a board game
  8. Experiencing no regret
  9. Hiking
  10. Bowling
  11. Playing pool
  12. Not being addicted to sugar
  13. Feeling in control of my appetite
  14. Conversating
  15. Shopping (shopping!!!)
  16. Experimenting with sugarless recipes
  17. Watching the sunset
  18. Playing with the kids
  19. Having energy to play with the kids
  20. Weight loss! Hello! I just had a baby, I don’t have time for extra pounds.

Those should keep me busy for a while.

What is something that you could do instead of eating junk?

Have a fabulous Monday!



I QUIT!!!!!

I QUIT!!!!

I quit sugar. I can’t handle it. I fall completely off the wagon whenever I have it. And nothing good even comes from it! It tastes good while I am eating it but then I feel terrible for days afterward! I’m done. Done! I have been wanting to quit for a long time now but haven’t had enough faith in myself that I could do it. I do now.

No more processed sugar for me from this point forward.

This includes….

  • white sugar
  • brown sugar
  • raw sugar
  • coconut sugar
  • Any sugar that is in granular form!

So unless it’s natural sugar like in fruit or wine, I’m not consuming it. And yes, it’s about to be the holidays. I’ll survive.

That is all. Thank you.

Colossians 3:12

Happy Sunday!


We Are Not What We Eat!

Good Morning!

And by that I mean early morning, very early morning. This pregnancy has me sleeping and awake at the oddest times. I was absolutely exhausted at 8:00 pm last night and then up wide awake this morning at 2:00 am! The upside is that I get plenty of that coveted “alone time” this morning that mom’s long for.

We Are NOT What We Eat!

I listened to a fantastic podcast between Abel James and Marc David yesterday about the psychology of eating. It was about how we humans love to brand ourselves with the way we eat. We want to say “I’m a vegan” or “I am gluten free” or “I’m keto” or “I’m paleo”. While there are definitely proven benefits to all of these eating styles and it is never a bad thing to try to eat healthy, there is a danger in branding ourselves because we become unable to open ourselves to new ways of eating that may just be what our body needs. Abel told the story of one of his friends, who had been a long time vegan, buying a huge container of yogurt from the grocery store everyday and hiding it under a bunch of kale in his cart so no one would see. His body was obviously deficient in certain nutrients which was why he was craving the yogurt so badly, but he was afraid to let anyone see him buying it because he had been such an advocate for the vegan lifestyle for so long. Not only did he feel guilty for eating the yogurt, but he knew that he would be ridiculed because some of his fellow vegans felt so strongly that the vegan lifestyle is the absolute healthiest.

It’s seems crazy but I have definitely found myself doing this. Just last summer, I fell in love with the low carb/high fat lifestyle but then quickly fell into the “all carbs are evil” mindset. I remember the night I finally broke down and ate every carb I saw. I felt guilty for giving in but man it felt good to eat those carbs! Now I realize that sometimes it is good to eat a diet really low in carbs, sometimes I need carbs like now in pregnancy. It would be silly to not listen to my body and give it what it needs especially when I am so blessed to be able to do so.

So what I took away from the podcast is that we humans are not constant so we cannot expect to eat the same way every single day for the rest of our lives. We wish we could! That is why we are constantly trying to find “the plan” that works forever so that we don’t have to think about what to eat and can simply go live life. But that’s just not how it works. As we go through life, our bodies change as well as our environment. We have to listen to our bodies and be open to giving it the foods it is asking for. The healthy foods it’s asking for by the way. 😉

Our food is not our identity, our food is not our religion. Our food is our nourishment to help us live the best life we possibly can.



Sugarless Summer Challenge – Day 11

I didn’t post for Day 10. But I didn’t have sugar! Hope all of you hung in there for Day 10 as well. You all are doing so good!

As I said earlier, I got up super early but still had breakfast. What’s a quiet morning without breakfast? Trying to be considerate of my sleeping family, I went with a yogurt bowl since the preparation didn’t make a lot of noise.


Chat later in the comments! Have a fabulous Saturday everyone.


What are you eating today?

Any exercise?

Have you ever made a certain eating style your identity?